Are we a match?

Think about the level of creativity and/or technical expertise required for a software solution.

What type of solution could you be looking for?

Explore ideas that may require engineering or creative research

Solve well-defined domains, with optional integrations to 3rd parties

Expand existing custom made software

A MOONSHOT? Let’s make it possible!

We help with AI transformation as well as discovery & design from a technology & customer experience perspective.

WE’RE IN! Let's make it happen!

A unique tailored solution is the most flexible. 

INTERESTING! Let’s take a closer look!

We would build along the side or on the top of the existing codebase, ensuring consistency and compactness.

ACKNOWLEDGED! Shall we figure it out together?

Thank you for your input. Consider a quick discovery call to help you explore the best options.

Software is either born or made great. Either way, it is an invaluable investment that pays off through efficiency and a competitive edge. Building or upgrading software requires a mix of creativity, technical expertise, and a clear understanding of business needs. True engineers serve as exceptional builders, effective research partners & trusted custodians.

Upgrading existing software is best done with the support of the team that built the original software.

Off-the-shelf software works for light upgrades, but it can be customized only so far. There may be intellectual property or data ownership concerns.

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Are we a match?

Think about the level of creativity and/or technical expertise required for a software solution.

What level of involvement would you like to have?

Actively participate in planning, reviews, and providing continuous feedback.

Engage primarily for discovery, key milestones & major decisions

Allow the team to handle the details while focusing on final deliverables

SPOT ON! Many hands, light work! 

Being involved hands-on, stakeholders are well-positioned to make the final decisions after considering our recommendations.

GOOD CALL! Onward as a team! 

We will use your time efficiently for planning and reviews. 
We will jointly make decisions with active participation from both parties.

NO WORRIES! We’ve got your back! 

We will make sure the trust is well-justified, by taking ownership of technology and building with best practices.
We may need to pull you in for the more complex business logic.

LET’S TWEAK! Care to talk about what’s possible?

Looking forward to hearing more.

Stakeholder involvement can be critical for complex domains. We will assume no technical knowledge on your end & communicate clearly, in terms of your domain language & leaving the technical jargon out.We will make sure the planning is gap- & conflict-free keeping you well advised.

We will listen carefully & put in extra effort to understand the business side so we can always speak in terms of your domain language.We will run as autonomously as possible, minimizing your time investment.Well-understood business domains require less stakeholder involvement.We will keep you in the loop for all decisions, making sure we seek approval before deciding on the most impactful ones.

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Are we a match?

Think about the level of creativity and/or technical expertise required for a software solution.

How would we handle requirement changes during the project?

Open to incorporating changes as they come, granted it may affect timeline and cost.

Evaluate changes carefully and implement through a formal process.

Stick to the initial plan to avoid delays and cost overruns.

NICE ONE! We are with you! 

Let’s TRIAGE change requests as they come, and ACT first on those that impact the most important business constraints.

HIGH FIVE! Let’s plan for it!

Let’s ANALYZE change requests as they come, and ADAPT PLANNING to address those that impact the most important business constraints.

GOT YOU! We will focus!

Let’s keep our original priorities fairly stable.
At the same time, let’s MONITOR for change drivers, and roughly PLAN future phases accordingly.

NOTED! Why not compare our points of view?

Let’s compare views. We believe embracing the change and planning for it is good.

Software is a living thing - it does not live in isolation.If not from business, change will come from the environment, as dependent software systems, patterns & practices evolve.

Good discovery starts by identifying the main business constraints, and the desired software structural aspects.The goal is to keep these stable over time while allowing graceful change in all other aspects.

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Are we a match?

Think about the level of creativity and/or technical expertise required for a software solution.

How do we prioritize the project constraints?

Invest more time and resources to achieve the best possible outcome.

Meet deadlines as the top priority, even if it requires adjusting features or budget.

Stay within the budget, adjusting scope or timeline as needed.

ABSOLUTELY! Quality leaves little room for compromise! 

Quality is a hallmark of the great.

ZOOM! Let’s step on it!

Compromising on quality may be a necessary strategic decision.
At times, shorter time-to-market is a deciding factor of success and we will help you blitz!
A planned near-future effort to get the quality back on track will help continue maximizing the impact of your investment.

LEAN! Let’s run with that!

Putting budget concerns first will make us carefully plan on doing the most impactful features first.
Of multiple ways of doing things, we will be wise to choose the minimal effort.
We will carefully keep track of all decisions that were budget-friendly but long-term sub-optimal, and plan on revisiting when budget & time allows it.

UNDERSTOOD! Should we discuss possibilities?

We would love to hear more about your standpoint.

Project priorities shape the path forward.Given the 4 major project constraints (Quality, Scope, Time & Cost), organizations rarely compromise on Quality. For the remaining 3, one can usually achieve the desired goals in 2 out of 3.  

When time is the priority, meeting deadlines may require flexibility with features or budget. For budget-conscious projects, maximizing impact within constraints means choosing essential features first and tracking decisions that may need revisiting later. Each approach adapts to unique project needs while keeping long-term goals in mind.

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Are we a match?

Think about the level of creativity and/or technical expertise required for a software solution.

What level of post-launch support and maintenance do you expect?

Ongoing maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting after launch.

Short-term support to address any immediate post-launch issues.

Another team will take over after project delivery.

PERFECT. We’ll go all the way!

We believe in building long-term partnerships by becoming your trusted technology provider for all your needs. 
By handling every aspect of your technology landscape, we let you focus on growing your business.

NO PROBLEM! Short-term, long-lived!

We are committed to delivering high-quality.
Any post-launch issues will be promptly resolved.

NO WORRIES! You got this, let's start co-building!

We're pleased to hand it over - let’s make sure we plan on documenting what your team needs.
We are always at your disposal for additional support as well as extension and future projects.

GOT IT! Can we find a common ground?

Every viewpoint counts—thanks for sharing yours.

Please note most software is affected by external factors such as technological advancements, updates in operating systems, security vulnerabilities, and changes in industry standards. Staying ahead of these often requires ongoing proactive maintenance and updates.
For comprehensive support, we offer a long-term partnership, understanding your business thoroughly and handling all aspects of maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting so you can focus on growth.

If you prefer short-term support, we’ll ensure any immediate issues are resolved while remaining available for future extensions and projects.
For self-managed projects, we’ll deliver a high-quality product to hand over to your team.

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Are we thinking the same?

We love a good challenge! (for LOW match)

While we may not align perfectly, we truly value the opportunity to connect. Our team is always open to exploring creative solutions and adapting to new challenges.
We’d be happy to hear more about your project and see how we can help.


It looks like there’s a solid foundation for collaboration, and we’re excited about the potential to work together. While there may be a few areas where we’d need to fine-tune our approach, we’re confident that our team can bring value to your project. Let’s chat further to explore how we can tailor our services to meet your goals!

We are a rock-solid match! (for HIGH match)

We’re are ready to delight you. Our team will hit the ground running and deliver exceptional results.
Let’s connect soon and discuss how we can bring your vision to life!

Matching energy
Looks like we are a perfect match!

Thank you for taking the time! 
Let’s connect and discuss your results and how we can team up!

Open for a quick meet & greet?
Have questions or want us to review anything?
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